Thursday, December 07, 2006

Very Proud To Use XP Am I

The XPJUG XP-Fiesta Official Song - a foreign musical interpretation of a software development methodology

"Dear XP" - Samurai Katamaris

I realized for the first time
the true strength of human collaboration.
Two chairs next to each other
but one computer together
watching flowing clouds
and the source code.

XP, Dear XP
On the wall
we remember the task cards
the team struggled with in the summer days.
XP, Dear XP
Want to talk with you
want to share with you
efforts and pleasures more and more.

To live a life
is to make yourself better.
Yes beyond the strong defense of yourself
toward the courage of changing yourself
having hope in your heart
and look at the future together.

Xp, Dear XP
Your friends are waiting for you
sometimes go on the spree
but put a smile on the smiley calendar.
XP, Dear XP
Want to talk with you
want to share with you
efforts and pleasures more and more.
For tomorrow's you and me.

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